Dental implants are a simple, secure and permanent solution to the problem of failing or missing teeth. They are effectively replacement tooth roots on which we can build a new tooth and are inserted into same position as the missing tooth. They are indistinguishable from natural teeth and provide an alternative to uncomfortable dentures or bridgework.
The Benefits of Dental Implants
- The ability to chew and enjoy your food in a similar way to that achieved prior to tooth loss.
- Confidence that the fixed bridge or tooth replacement feels as secure as a natural tooth.
- The protection of your remaining teeth and jaw bone.
As more and more people are keeping their natural teeth into old age, it’s understandable that they want them to look good too. Worn, yellow teeth and loose dentures are no longer an acceptable part of old age. Modern techniques and materials allow dentists to rebuild teeth and smiles to there former glory with tooth whitening techniques, veneers and crowns, even missing teeth can be replaced with permanently fixed-in implants and bridges.
It’s not just a person’s smile that is affected when teeth are broken or missing, chewing function is impaired, often leading to indigestion and a reduced enjoyments at mealtimes. Speech can suffer too: we need our teeth to form certain sounds, without them speech can be slurred and lisping may occur.
Why Choose Us For Your Dental Implants?
Working alongside David Hilton is Richard Anderson who qualified from Sheffield in 1987 and has undergone further training from Europe’s top clinicians in hard and soft tissue manipulation involving bone grafting and aesthetics.
To date, Richard has successfully placed and restored over 500 dental implants and is an active member of the Association of Dental Implantology.
Richard has also been a trainer dentist for the last ten years and is a mentor for the number one implant company in the world, Nobel Biocare.
Cost of Dental Implants
Dental implants are an investment into fixing your smile. There are many aspects that go into deciding if you need dental implants, one of them being the cost. The cost of dental implants varies depending on the circumstances. For example, if you only need one implant fitted this is going to be significantly cheaper than having to have all of your teeth replaced.
We always match the colour and size of your current teeth to make sure the implant matches well, so if you’re only missing one tooth, you only need to get than one fitted. If you’re interested and want to know the cost of dental implants for your specific case, book an appointment with Churchfield today.
Dental Implants with Churchfield Dental Centre
Get in touch for more information. Call us on 01226 771471 to book a free no-obligation consultation today. For more information on dental implants, read our blog post on signs you should invest in implants.
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